To download a copy of Personal AccuFit, please read the following
instructions, then click on the download button below.
The download is a 16.2 MB self-extracting executable file. Please save (not
Run) this file to an convenient folder (saving to your Desktop is not
recommended). Using Windows Explorer, double-click on
PersonalAccufit242.exe to extract three files to the Accufit folder that will be
created under the folder that you saved the self extracting executable to.
Personal Accufit can
be installed to any drive or directory that you choose.
After the files are extracted, run Setup.exe from the Accufit folder to install Personal Accufit.
Depending on your operating system (Windows version) it may be necessary to
reboot after installing some system files. If you are prompted to do so, you
will need to restart the setup program after your system reboots.
In some instances, you will
be asked if you want to replace an existing file. If the file is older than the
one being installed, using the newer file is the way to go. If your file is
newer, keep that one.
After the installation completes successfully, you can start it from the start menu under Start|Programs|Accufit|PersonalAccufit. If you right click on it the first time, you can "send to > Desktop" to create a shortcut on your desktop.
Personal Accufit will operate in "Demo
Mode" until purchased and registered. To purchase, click "Purchase
Personal Accufit" below.
Personal Accufit
Personal Accufit