To send your comments about Personal Accufit, use the button on the left.

“Firstly, a note of thanks is in order for developing and marketing Personal Accufit. Your wonder of a program will save me literally thousands over the cost of a new bike by enabling me to refit my current ride. As much as I hate to admit it, my body has changed over the years and when that custom frame began to lose its custom feel and saddle time began to diminish, it was evident that a change was in order. With Personal Accufit, in an afternoon, I was able to reestablish an efficient, comfortable riding position that puts the pleasure back in cycling. Whether shopping for a new bicycle or fine tuning a current ride, I consider Personal Accufit an indispensable program for any fan of cycling and will recommend it to all of my friends.”
Mark R.

Hi Bill,
I just wanted to tell you how useful I've found Personal Accufit.
I have several bikes but rode only one because it was most comfortable.
With Personal Accufit I was able to confirm that my favorite was
empirically fitted the best and then go on to optimize the fit of the
others. Now I enjoy them all. My spinning is better and my comfort has
improved immensely (particularly my back). Most of my riding is in the
mountains outside of Boulder Colorado - Personal Accufit gives me a
great setup that is comfortable on long climbs as well as rapid
The most dramatic development for me was becoming a convert to drop
handlebars. As a die hard mountain biker, I considered road bikes
torture devices. It's amazing how much I enjoy road biking now that my
setup is right. I'm 5'10" with very average proportions so I'm not hard
to fit, I just didn't realize that I was fitted incorrectly.
The other area Personal Accufit has made a big difference for me is in
my experimentation. Being an engineer, I get very curious when I hear
various claims about the feel of different frame materials, steering
geometries, BB heights, chain stay lengths, tire sizes, etc... so I
refurbish garage sale bikes in order to experience and experiment with
these variations. Before even trying to discern the merits of a
particular bike design I fit the bike using Personal Accufit. My
experience is that dialing in the fit is prerequisite to appreciating
any subtle design differences. Nothing rides right if improperly fit.
Including my experiments, I have seven wildly different bikes that have
all been dialed in using Personal Accufit. Each is kind to my back,
knees, and seat and can be ridden on long rides without discomfort.
Great Product!
Brad Sissom