Dear Contact_FirstName
Thank you for sending us your request for an AccuTrax analysis . We
will be using the following information to contact you:
E-mail: User_Email
The information that you submitted about your bicycle is as follows:
Brand: Brand
Model: model
Size: Size
Front Wheel Size: wheel
Head Tube Angle: hta
Fork Rake in mm's: rake
Dimensions in: units
Wheel Radius: Wheel_Radius
Dimension "C": Dimension_C
Dimension "B": Dimension_B
Dimension "R": Dimension_R
If any of this information is incorrect, please go back to the AccuTrax
request form
and change it. We thank you for using AccuTrax and look forward to your
Bill Boston

You may return to the feedback form by using the Back button in
your browser.
Revised: March 07, 2003